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20240509_Job-hunting in Korea A to Z 취업특강

Itaewon Global Village Center will visit Jobmatch Seoul Center for Youth(청년일자리센터) for the “Job-hunting in Korea A to Z 취업특강.” Throughout this seminar, participants will learn step by step how and what to prepare for the job-hunting in Korea.

▶ Date/Time: Thursday, May 9th at 2:00-4:00pm, 2024
▶ Venue: 서울시 중구 삼일대로 363 장교빌딩 1층 청년일자리센터 세미나실
(EN) Seminar room, 1st floor, 363, Samil-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul
▶ Capacity: Maximum 15 people
▶ Main target: D-2 Visa holders (유학생) with an age of 15-39 in Seoul will be prioritized
현재 서울소재 대학에 재학중인 D-2 비자 소지 유학생 (15-39세) 우선 참여
*ARC(Alien Registration Card) will be required on the day
*One-on-one English consultation is available for the D-2 visa holders, but the further conosultation after this seminar for those with other visa types can be limited.

▶ Contents:
-How to search job in Korea (for foreign students) with an actual practice
-How to write Korean resume and CV
-How to prepare job interview in Korea and learn about interview manners with an actual practice
-Q&A (questions submitted beforehand will be discussed)
▶ Free of charge (No-shows and on the day cancellation can restrict you from joining activities at ItaewonGVC in the future)
▶ Registration:
Shorten URL:

*Language: Korean (with English translation)
*Inquiries: Grace ( / 02-2199-8884)

20240509_Job-hunting in Korea A to Z 취업특강

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