Itaewon Global Village Center and Foreigner & Immigrant Virtual Community Center in Korea are looking for volunteers to help out with the preparations during "Community Closet (무료 나눔 장터): Sustainability Market Day." We need people to help sort out and organize the donated items and those who can help out during the open market day.
There are three volunteering opportunities you can choose from: 1. May 19th (Fri) from 2:00pm to 5:30pm : sorting, organizing donated items 2. May 20th (Sat) from 9:00am to 11:30am: organizing the donated items, and preparing the items for open market 3. May 20th (Sat) from 1:30pm to 5:30pm: helping out during the open market event
If you want to be one of the volunteers, register by filling out the form: